Thursday, September 10, 2009


I know I've been slow. I made normal shrimp egg rolls and I'll post that soon, but I want to get back to my greasy fatty roots. Honestly, it's the 5 pound chocolate bar. It taunts me. Mocking me for not knowing how to put a severe enough dent in its perfect rectangular shape. I need suggestions! I've got a few general ideas to get me started, but this is FIVE pounds. I need a whole list of things to do with it!!! 


  1. Hollow the top layer of the bar (leave tall edges on the outside)and fill the hollowed out part with gooey, melted marshmallows and then put fruit (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, etc.) on top. Take the hollowed out shavings, melt them and then drizzle them on top of the fruit and marshmallows and you've got a nice little dessert "pizza". You could even add some almond shavings on there too.

  2. Hmmm, interesting. The size is the issue. I cut a chunk off tonight and melted it for something I'm not entirely sure of yet. I need a good comeback!!! I feel like the chocolate is more milky than the normal size bars.

  3. Melt down entire candy bar. Put in tub. Lay in tub. Allow to cool.

  4. That. Sounds. Amazing.

    I've got yet another breakfast food in my head. But I'm fed up with myself, tomorrow, I bake!!!
